Governing by bomb

Bombs are now arriving at the homes and offices of Democrats Trump has repeatedly criticized and attacked. The White House has condemned the attempts at terror, and Trump will probably make a token effort to condemn it. But I guarantee that within a few days Trump will be claiming that it was all “faked” and financed by George Soros and the DNC, and he will take no responsibility in spite of the fact that his unhinged, vicious rhetoric is absolutely behind this, aided and abetted by the insanity masquerading as “news” coming from Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine and the rest of the “editorial” staff at Fox News.

The coming Trump shitstorm

It’s just a question of time until Trump can’t resist the shiny object the New York Times dangled in front of him; compelling proof that he’s not a “self-made” business tycoon will drive him into Trump attack mode and he’ll lose all self-discipline. The Times story hits him where he’s the most sensitive, in his long-standing narrative about being “very smaht” and having a very “large, large brain,” about being the best “deal maker” in human history. He’s none of the above, and in fact he and his family happily cheated American taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. When his rich daddy’s revenue stream dried up and American banks declined to do business with Trump because of his repeated failures and bankruptcies, he turned to Russian oligarchs for cash to keep him afloat. Very much like Jared Kushner’s family business.

Trump will rant and scream about “fake news” and “enemy of the people,” his bottom-feeding “base” will foam at the mouth and campaign rally convulsions will abound. Threats of “bigly” lawsuits claiming defamation, libel and slander will dominate Fox News coverage – rest assured, no such lawsuits will ever be filed. Whether the Times is failing or not, they have very competent attorneys who vetted the story at issue, and even if they didn’t the one thing Donald Trump fears more than anything is being deposed under oath. He is his own walking, talking, preening, self-promoting “perjury trap.” But one thing that will come out of this is that the Times, CNN and NBC/MSNBC will need to hire an army of armed and fearsome security agents, particularly for female journalists, since Trump and his supporters so much enjoy bullying women.

Finally, for all the “Trumpsters” out there, how does it feel to know that your champion, the orange buffoon you helped to an electoral college (NOT an election) victory is nothing more than a two-bit carnival barker, a huckster who is Vladimir Putin’s bought and paid for bitch?