Another Government Shutdown

The government has shut down – again. Who’s to blame? The American people, those who voted to put Congress in the hands of the Keystone Cops and the Presidency in the hands of a posturing, utterly dishonest narcissist who surrounds himself with sycophants and xenophobes, and who can’t stop pandering to his “base” of bigots.

Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives since January 3rd, 2011, and the Senate since January 3rd, 2015. They ignored the DACA issue until Trump made it an emergency by rescinding an Obama executive order that protected more than 700,000 “dreamers,” and putting them at risk for deportation in March of this year. They continue to ignore the problem, whining that they don’t want immigration to be a part of a funding bill, i.e., a “continuing resolution” to keep funding government without a budget – and the Republican majority has chosen to ignore the budget issue since October 1st of last year, when a new fiscal year began.

Trump’s position is that he doesn’t want that “CR” unless he gets funding for his idiotic border wall, the one that he insists Mexico will pay for, making immigration “reform” a part of a major budget crisis, a crisis created by the Republican majority in both houses. And nine million children are on the brink of losing health insurance by CHIP not being funded, the CDC will not have funding to fight the worst, most lethal flu outbreak in decades. Trump, McConnell and Ryan are calling this the “Schumer shutdown,” ignoring the fact that all of these issues could and should have been resolved by the majority party – their own.

Trump was thoroughly and rightly criticized for his recent “shithole country” remark, but an even worse tragedy is that he’s turning this country – my country, whose uniform I proudly wore a long time ago – into a real shithole. But the far right continues to adore him. What an appalling state of affairs.

Trump is a liar and an idiot – as always

Donald Trump is incapable of getting his facts straight; in a speech to the “March For Life” gathering of pro-life (anti-choice) marchers he stated that the first right guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence is the “right to life,” using that misinformation to justify his recent “conversion” to a “pro-life” stance. That’s bullshit – the first right mentioned in the Declaration is the right of oppressed men to dissolve the government they have adhered to and establish a new government, one that will guarantee “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – in that situation, rights for white men with property. Women were not mentioned in the Declaration and at the time were considered little more than chattel property. That view is consistent with “right to life” attitudes; women are seen as little more than reproductive engines, incapable of functioning as independent moral agents equal to men. Trump went on to say that only 12% of Americans favor abortion on demand. More bullshit – the most recent Pew poll (from 2017) indicated that 57% of Americans are pro-choice on abortion rights. And finally, it should be noted that the Declaration of Independence is not the governing law of the land. The Constitution is.

Donald Trump is semi-literate, completely lacking in knowledge of history and law, and overall a fucking idiot.