They’re all “our kids”

Brian Kilmeade of Fox News recently commented that it doesn’t matter what Trump and his policies do to immigrant children, they “aren’t our kids.” He later walked it back a little and Geraldo Rivera walked it back a little more, but Fox News said nothing and the rest of Fox’s “opinion” contributors remained silent, or said worse things. But it does matter, and they are “our kids” – every child torn from a parent is our child, every child who goes to bed alone or afraid or hungry is ours, they belong to all of us. All the Donald Trump’s and Stephen Miller’s, every Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity who dehumanize and demonize children because of where they were born or the color of their skin or the beliefs of their parents will never be enough to stamp approval on cruelty and will never change the fact that it takes more than a village to raise a child, it takes all of us, the whole world, to raise every child, and it always will. When we fail to protect just one child, we are all diminished. Trump and his sycophantic minions are rapidly diminishing our collective well of decency and we are approaching the point where we may never be able to replenish it.

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